RPL which stands for the recognition of prior learning and it is the certificate which helps you identify your skills and educations in the foreign countries. Having this certification, you are now confident that all your previous skills and experiences are equally valued in the country you are currently living in as these were in the country from where you acquired these.
The major advantage of the recognition of prior learning which makes it slightly different from the other kind of certifications which are performed to assess the knowledge and the skills of the candidate is that in this certification the source of the knowledge does not matter, which means that even if you have acquired some skill from some informal work which could be during your hobby, your sports or any of the voluntary work, the recognition of prior learning could even asses you for this skill and could help you to make it fully acknowledge throughout the country.
Although, the number of the institutions who offer diploma of building and construction are very much limited and there are limited number of occupations in which they offer this and thereby the skill set is also limited but still you can find the variety and it is highly unlikely that you do not find the assessment of your particular skill set.
Along with this, there are different kinds of recognition of prior learning and you must know which one you want to have. There are majorly three types of the RPL which is provided by the institutes in the Australia. The first type is that when you want to be enrolled in to studying some subject but you do not have the formal prerequisite education for getting enrolment in this then you go for the RPL which offers you certification which help you gain access to the first year of the subject you want to study but for this you need at least five years of the experience in the related field. It is important that you choose the right subject and go for the right recognition of prior learning.
Then there are exemptions. There could be some subject for which you have already knowledge and you may have learnt it from self-study or private courses then you could have the RPL for it and the RPL training and assessment would help you in exemption of this subject in the university. Just like this you could have the recognition of prior learning for some special diploma if you lack the formal education but have the related knowledge and the skill.